Friday, May 1, 2020


We have entered into a very scary time in 2020.  I have reopened my blog because a disease which has doctors, scientists.and global researchers at a loss for a cure.  COVID-19 has been spreading worldwide.  Out of desperation, Coronavirus, (as dubbed by the media) an epidemic that is a deadly killer, has us, as a people without national boundaries, coming to a halt.  We have closed down schools, all businesses that are determined to be non-essential, parks, even movie theaters.  COVID-19 is thought to have come from China, and has taken off, without anything to stop it, globally.

Schools have closed -- children of all ages, are safely home.  Their education, being temporarily halted, will continue by their brave, diligent teachers with the help of technology, are getting their lessons online.

My grandson, Parker, is graduating from high school this June, and has also completed all of his requirements online. As a proud grandmother, I will make sure to celebrate, in person.  There is no other option.  Our technology is so advanced that we could even watch the ceremony virtually if necessary.

With all of our geniuses in the world, we will soon find a solution to this overwhelming disease that has truly halted the world as we know it.  Rather than a global WWIII, we have a pandemic, an event so insurmountable that it has us all in our homes, cut off from everyone close to us, nuclear
weapons cannot help.  We have only our own scientists to be our weapon.  For once, we are all globally united to fight a disease bigger than ourselves that threatens our lives.  I am going to retrace us with a summary of all of the main events of our time:

WWIIers:  As the war ended the joie de vivre was everywhere.  They celebrated and The Greatest Generation emerged.  In 1946,  the year of my birth, was the beginning of the Baby      
Boomers.  We were loved and indulged, and I think the 1950s was idealic, until a horrible epidemic emerged:  POLIO.  Children were the target of this awful disease, and Iron Lungs kept those afflicted breathing.  The Salk Vaccine arrived to save the day.  I and my classmates became Polio Pioneers.

1 comment:

  1. Linda, I've neglected reading the blogs I follow or doing blogging myself. Maybe I'll get back to it now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's sad about the effect this has on such important life events, like your grandson's graduations, people's weddings, and other great changes in life. I assume you and John are doing OK. In addition to "social distancing" I have to be careful about doing "ministry distancing" since I'm retired which is a double bummer. Be careful. Stay well. The virus can be very dangerous.


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