Monday, October 5, 2020

A Ho Hum Day



                                                 A Ho Humm Day

                    I started out the day with plans.  John was working counting fish, and I decided 

       to cancel my activity to just stay home.  I wanted to do chores (yes, CHORES!) such as washing

      sheets and ironing, and later, having lunch on the deck.  Our house is getting new floors, so

     can't yet invite people over, but soon, I plan to.  I haven't yet done much entertaining,  But

    when our house is ready, I intend to--really!

             Lately, I have been eating cottage cheese and 1 peach.  I haven't found any cottage cheese that 

    I have liked in all local stores.  Finally, when John and I went to a large store (the name has 

escaped me at the moment)  and I found my favorite kind. It isn't watery, and the small curd is

Just right.  

As I look over this blog, it not only a Ho Hum Day, but it is a Ho Hum Blog.  (Oh well.  Some

days are like that!).

On the news front, President Trump and the First Lady have Covid (the illness I wrote about in my last

blog).  They encountered it at a gathering, where several others also became ill.  So far, the Congress

hasn't done anything about it.  Trump is still in charge, (as he weakly croaks orders from his hospital 

bed).  He insists that he will return in a timely matter. We will see.  The only time in my "short" life

(except Kennedy's assassination) have I seen a U.S. President disabled, even for a moment.  This

Covid 19 disease has been spread through-out the whole world.  Scientists and Health professionals

are scrambling for a vaccine.  How can they will find one, when they have no idea where it came from?

We, as a "People"  must abide by the precautions our Leaders, who are following orders of 

the finest minds in the world,   We as a human race will find a cure for this.

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