People of all ages morn the loss of a beloved pet. This most recent acquisition of two new kittens was my way of avoiding the complete void of the death our first kitty, Celeste. About 20 years ago, Son Jeff, knowing that we were looking for a kitten, brought us one that came from a litter his co-worker was giving away. I had been so deprived, that the moment I hugged her, she purred. Her face was calico on one side, and striped on the other and the same with her body, they had named her "Half-n-Half". I redubbed her Celeste and we had an instant bond. After 16 years with her, she died of natural causes. I didn't think I could love a pet as much.
I eventually replaced her with Lily. She was a mischievous kitten and absolutely adorable. She thought it was really funny to perch on our headboard of the bed, and bonk sleeping Husband John on the head. It made him angry, which she loved.
After she was about a year old, I decided that she needed a companion, and happened into a pet store.
There, I found a tiny little white kitten. 1 was told it was a she, and named her Violet. She quickly gained weight, so I went to get her neutered, and much to my surprise, she was a he. We changed her name to Willard, and he grew quickly into a beautiful white, long haired cat with green eyes that looked at you lovingly. While I adored Lily, Willy, as he was nicknamed, stole my heart. He was very athletic and joined Lily as great hunters. They regularly brought home some poor victim. Once, Willard came home with a live mouse, which he let go inside the house. I freaked out, and literally stood on chairs until Mickey was finally cornered by Willard in our family room, as I breathed a sigh of relief, and we captured Mickey and threw him out.
A month ago, Willard became ill with Feline Diabetes, Unable to respond to treatment, he passed away.
Yes, we have a lot of pleasure with our Kitties, and Lily is still with us. We will always have pets, and will love and mourn each one with their passing.
Your Celeste looks very much like a cat we had when I was a teenager. Her name was "Pretty". We called her "Pritz" for short.