Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunshine @ Pelican Reach

We call our place Pelican Reach. 

12 years ago, we bought out  Home, and just now have begun to live here full time.
I noticed on one of our visits, there were a little family of pelicans.  I was stunned!  Not having ever seen a pelican in the wild, we rode by in in our boat,, and they were much bigger than I had imagined.

I was amazed by them, and took pictures when ever I could.  I imagined the first bird God worked on.
It was kind of like  the Spruce Goose of God's birds.  It looks big and awkward, like the silly plane
Howard Hughes put together,  seeming out of proportion to his feet, his huge wing span.  Perhaps a swan and a duck got together, and had this amazing duckling that was not a beautiful swan! I will have to write a part 2 to this when I get my pelican photos, and that of the beach, also.  We are getting into Spring and summer, and I will have lots of photos to show!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I hope I see the pelicans you mention. The geese have been everywhere too.


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