Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Memorial Day to all of my friends!  I am now writing my blog on my deck, which is lovely.  It is overlooking the Columbia River.  The Columbia River is approx. 1,200 miles long, originating from Canal Flats (in British Columbia,) and travelling downhill, spilling into the Pacific Ocean at Ilwaco, Washington.

In order to get set up writing on my deck, I needed to bring out my laptop (chek), my phone (in order to get messages, and look up anything of interest ),chek, and my husband, for updated information  (chek).

I really am continuing to describe how I am going about my days during the Coronavirus pandemic,
which has the governments (not only ours, but others in our civilization.) ordering everyone to stay home.  In the meantime, I have received several adorable outfits, hats and dresses, and a tube of .0.5 oz.of Medihoney.  (I had waited for this for weeks, to use on my wound, because I am allergic to zinc and Medihoney does not contain zinc. Birthday presents, and also for Mother's Day!  I really feel spoiled this year!

It is sad that we must remain home at this timesent because of orders from the international governments.  They are hoping that we won't make another horrendous mistake, and save us from
losing thousands of children from the Polio virus epidemic, or others from the onset of AIDS, and now, even more from the pandemic of the Coronavirus.

However, I know that I can sneak over to my loved ones' homes, not physically, but virtually,
and they show me that they are only fine, but they are frantically making sure that I am fine.

I was so happy, and touched at how dynamic our love was instantly sent to one another.  Despite the climate of our times, I still can tell about my experiences duri g this time.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Spread a Little Kindness

I  haven't got a title for this post yet!  Just  some random thoughts--perhaps comments on ideas for activities from Stay-at-Homers.

One darling friend posted that she had received a May Day basket.  It was exactly what we used to do as kids. We would make  baskets out of colored paper,  fill them with wild flowers, hang them on all of the neighbors' door knobs, ring the doorbell and run of sight.  It was such a delightful thing to do during these times, and perfectly safe, because they kept out of sight!  They were such a hit, like a Drive-by-Pouring out of Friendship and Comradery! A loving memory from childhood!

In our Desert Aire community, a beautiful friend from our church, Drove by our homes with palms for Palm Sunday.  Another had made masks, and dropped them by our homes, having called first, we got to wave from our windows as they frantically escaped from the porch unnoticed.

Because we always wore corsages on Easter Sunday, I made corsages out one pastel carnation and a pretty bow for my part in our Easter celebration from inside our homes.  Our pastor youtubes our Sunday sermons, continuing to do so now, as we speak!  I am now working on another long-term project, something I can do to continue to spread-a little- kindness, which is the title of this blog!

Friday, May 1, 2020


We have entered into a very scary time in 2020.  I have reopened my blog because a disease which has doctors, scientists.and global researchers at a loss for a cure.  COVID-19 has been spreading worldwide.  Out of desperation, Coronavirus, (as dubbed by the media) an epidemic that is a deadly killer, has us, as a people without national boundaries, coming to a halt.  We have closed down schools, all businesses that are determined to be non-essential, parks, even movie theaters.  COVID-19 is thought to have come from China, and has taken off, without anything to stop it, globally.

Schools have closed -- children of all ages, are safely home.  Their education, being temporarily halted, will continue by their brave, diligent teachers with the help of technology, are getting their lessons online.

My grandson, Parker, is graduating from high school this June, and has also completed all of his requirements online. As a proud grandmother, I will make sure to celebrate, in person.  There is no other option.  Our technology is so advanced that we could even watch the ceremony virtually if necessary.

With all of our geniuses in the world, we will soon find a solution to this overwhelming disease that has truly halted the world as we know it.  Rather than a global WWIII, we have a pandemic, an event so insurmountable that it has us all in our homes, cut off from everyone close to us, nuclear
weapons cannot help.  We have only our own scientists to be our weapon.  For once, we are all globally united to fight a disease bigger than ourselves that threatens our lives.  I am going to retrace us with a summary of all of the main events of our time:

WWIIers:  As the war ended the joie de vivre was everywhere.  They celebrated and The Greatest Generation emerged.  In 1946,  the year of my birth, was the beginning of the Baby      
Boomers.  We were loved and indulged, and I think the 1950s was idealic, until a horrible epidemic emerged:  POLIO.  Children were the target of this awful disease, and Iron Lungs kept those afflicted breathing.  The Salk Vaccine arrived to save the day.  I and my classmates became Polio Pioneers.

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